OCID is calling a Board Meeting on August 5th at 5:30PM, at the Town of Orchard City Community Room, to discuss Potential Allocation Changes and anything else that comes before the board. 

The Board has voted to increase the allocation to 70% at this time, please check back for updates and changes to this.

In the mean time you should check out the water ordering form HERE!


Leasing Water


Individuals interested in leasing out their OCID water to others in the district or a landowner interested in renting water from another landowner can advertise that information in the classified ad portion of a local newspaper. Alternatively, you may notify the OCID Water Superintendent at 970-835-3168 who in conversing with others within OCID may pass along your information.

OCID is not involved in any pricing of any water ordered and will not be involved in any disputes between the lessor and the lessee regarding the terms or payment of the water, its delivery, or its availability. OCID urges both prospective lessors and lessees to confirm with OCID the quantity of water measured in terms of cubic feet per second (cfs) that has been allocated to each OCID acre and the lessor’s eligibility for the delivery of that water through a ditch within the OCID system. Moreover, the quantity of OCID water per OCID acre that is available for distribution may significantly change within an irrigation season, particularly in drought years. Terms of any lease agreement are strictly between the Lessor and Lessee. All that OCID requires is the accurate completion and submission to OCID of a water rental form.

Shell Pond