Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


May 4, 2023 Minutes

Orchard City Irrigation District Meeting
May 4, 2023 

Meeting was called to order at 5 PM board members Andy Wick, Joe Young, Jim Pizzino, Aaron St. Peters and Mitch Thomas were present. 

Joe Young read the minutes from the March 6th meeting, and they were unanimously approved. 

Jeff Weidner gave the water report and explained the reservoir is at 3316and is being left low from spilling for flood control. 

The Files have been moved from Andy's to storage.

Joe Young made a motion to set the water allocation at 100% and review when necessary. Jim pizzino seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. 

Gregg Helmsing spoke about our employees being verbally abused over the phone and has drafted a postcard at Andy's request asking users to use respect and courtesy when ordering water. Aaron made a motion to send the postcards to users. Jim seconded and it was unanimously approved. 

Gregg spoke about contract water. After parcels have been split over the years, looking into past files and checking legal descriptions will help us understand our obligations to the contract users. Aaron made a motion to have Kim Kokesh investigate and digitize records with an update every 40hrs at a rate of $30/hr with an upper limit of $10,000. Mitch Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously approved. Jim Pizzino recused himself as he has contract water. 

Andy Wick and Suzie Bilberry met with Hans Benson, property owner, to ask if we can extend the location of our power pole. DMEA will mark the location and Benson will look at it. 

The water rental website is in operation. It is set up like a classified add to help protect privacy.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:07PM