Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


January 28, 2023 Minutes

Orchard City Irrigation District Meeting
January 28, 2023 

President Andy Wick started the meeting at 12:10 pm. 

Election of Officers 

  • Andy Wick was elected President 
  • Mitch Thomas was elected Vice President 
  • Joe Young was elected Secretary 

Joe read the minutes they were approved 

Kim Kokesh spoke about the Colorado Trust, it was discussed how much money was available to invest, and who would be the authorized signers. Suggested to invest¾ into the Prime account and¼ into the Plus account. It was also discussed to follow the advise of the assigned financial adviser. There are no restrictions on how much can be taken out of the account if it is needed. And the funds will be available as soon as possible usually within 24 hours. 

Mitch made a motion to put $280,000 into the Colorado Trust account and to use the financial advisors suggestion for how much money to put into what account. It was seconded and passed. Andy and Aaron and Jim volunteered to be the authorized signers on this account. Dee Dee will look into getting things started with Colorado Trust. 

The Wells Fargo account needs to have the signers changed as the current signers are Jeff and Gregg. Mitch and Aaron volunteered to be the new Wells Fargo signers. It passed. An appointment was made with Wells Fargo to add new signers and drop the old ones. Gregg will do minutes to show the new signers approved. 

Kim suggested we move our local accounts to Alpine Bank as Wells Fargo is not easy to work with. This can be done after the next meeting. 

We will have the next meeting in the first 10 days of March, as several will be gone in February. 

Meeting was adjourned.