The meeting was cancelled. Call Kelley with any questions. 


March 26, 2021 Minutes

Meeting called to order 5:30. All board members present. Meeting held at Orchard City Town Park.

Minutes of February 23, 2021 were presented and approved as read.

Bob Morris: Grand Mesa Water User's Association. Bob advised that due to low water levels in Grand Mesa reservoirs, the amount of water that can be delivered downstream for pooling water in Fruitgrower's Reservoir will be limited due to lack of pressure. He further strongly suggested that anyone wanting to bring water down from the reservoirs due so by mid July; otherwise the reservoirs may be so low after that date, no water can be delivered.

Water engineer managing the Surface Creek drainage. Indicated that he has been advised that the allocation per share this year for Surface Creek will be between 1.5 c.f.s. and 2 cfs per share. Normal is 4.5 cfs to 5.0 cfs.

Luke Reutske reported that normal running flow of the Big Ditch at this time of year is 2-3 cfs. It is currently at ½ foot. The snow content at Park Reservoir, a prime measuring point for water supplying Fruitgrower's was at 83% of normal.

Dick Kirkpatrick: We have purchased and received the pipe for Dry Creek and the county will be installing it when the ditch dries up. Some cement work on the ends of the pipe will have to take place. Phil Survey has been referenced to as a knowledgeable contractor for the cement.

Introduction of new employees Kim Kokesh and Andrea helping with record keeping and finding. Also helping title companies and assessor's office with transfers. Grant was awarded to help with building the website. Londa Winkler will be taking water orders and collaborating with Jeff Widner.

Helmsing motion to review water allotment Wick seconds and passed unanimously

Fogg Ditch wants to use a fireproof filing cabinet from OCID. Fogg Ditch can use it in ownership of OCID free of charge. No rent at GMWU office stated by Denise. Gregg motion to accept Wick second unanimously accepted.

Andy- rewrite bylaws of OCIO, Butte and Fogg to bring them up to date. Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:30 P.M.