Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


January 30, 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Board of Directors

The annual board meeting of the Orchard City Irrigation District was called to order by President Jeff Wick. Present were board members, Dick Kirkpatrick and Gregg Helmsing. Also present was newly elected member, Joe Young, who replaced Niles Rlece.

The first order of business was for the board to appoint a replacement for Marsha Thomas whose mid-term resignation effective December 31, 2020 made it necessary to for the board to appoint a replacement as provided by the board by-laws. Upon motion by Gregg Helmsing and second by Dick Kirkpatrick and unanimously approved by the board, Andy Wick was named to the board of directors to fill the remaining one year term of Marsha Thomas.

Next order of business was to elect a board president for the 2021 year. Jeff Wick informed the board that work demands did not allow him to continue as president but that he would remain as a board member. Andy Wick was nominated for that position upon motion by Dick Kirkpatrick. Second by Joe Young. By unanimous vote, Andy Wick was elected as board president for 2021. Upon motion by Joe Young and second by Dick Kirkpatrick, Jeff Wick was unanimously voted to serve as board vice president for 2021. Upon motion by Gresg Helmsing and second by Jeff Wick, Dick Kirkpatrick was nominated and approved to serve as treasurer for 2021. Upon motion by Jeff Wick and second by Gregg Helmsing, Joe Young was unanimously voted to serve as board secretary.

Gregg Helmsing brought up the need to reach a final agreement with two of the lot owners in the Nottingham Subdivision (lots 1 and 2) whose lots have erroneously been assessed for several years as members of the Orchard City Irrigation District and, until 2020, had never used or received any OCID water. Helmsing advised that previous discussions with the Impacted lot owners Indicates that they would accept a refund of assessments that they have paid since they purchased the parcels; In both cases In 201S or after. Helmsing estimated that the amount of the refund to each owner would be $4,000.00 or less. Upon motion by Jeff Wick and second by Andy Wick, the board unanimously approved a claim settlement expenditure of up to 4,000.00 for each of the two lot owners.

Helmsing then indicated that that no OCID assessments have been paid by Lot l, Nottingham Subdivision since the subdivision was created in 2007. No water had ever been delivered or requested by Lot 1 owners since the subdivision was created. Helmsing stated that the parcel was clearly within the boundaries of Orchard City Irrigation District. The current owner, Hudson Trust, contacted OCIO, to determine a delinquent amount on the lot as he was preparing to sell. Upon motion by Jeff Wick and second by Pickaim Klrkpatrick, the board unanimously approved a delinquency amount based upon the year 2015 which Is the start year for the calculation of the amount of money that would be refunded to the owner of Lot 3 of Nottingham Subdivision. The theory was that the payment received from the owner of Lot 1 would at least offset the payment that was being made to the owner of Lot 3.

The board next discussed a proposal from the Board of Commissioners of Delta County that it share with OCID the cost of installing about 800 feet of S ft diameter pipe in the ditch that diverts water from the Big Ditch Into Fruitgrower's Reservoir. A leak In a portion of that ditch which is above of and parallels Delta County Road_ threatens to undercut and damage a portion of the county road. Delta County has proposed that It would bed, Install and cover the pipe if OCID would provide the pipe. Board member, Dick Klrpatrlck has obtained some preliminary pricing of the pipe that would be needed as approximately $130,000.00 but that price may Increase soon. The board asked Andy Wick to contact a representative from Delta County to indicate that OCID was interested in such a project and suggested that Delta County present OCID with a proposed written agreement for the project. The board would then convene to decide to enter into such an agreement.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Minutes of the Board of Directors
Butte Ditch Company

The board of directors of Butte Ditch Company met on January 30, 2021 immediately following the annual meeting of its shareholders. All board members were unanimously reelected to serve as follows:

Board President Andy Wick

Board Seaetary-Co Secretaries Gregg Helmsing and Tyler Johnson

Board Treasurer-Co-Treasurers Tyler Johnson and Gregg Helmsing

Board President Any Wick indicated that It was necessary to update the list of those authorized to have access to the Butte Ditch Company's safety deposit box at Bank of the West in Delta, Colorado. The current authorized list includes Andy Wick, Bert Sibley and Cecila Avarltte. Upon motion by Dick Kirkpatrick and second Kelley Ribbon the board unanimously voted to add the name of Gregg Helmsing to join Andy Wick as members authorized to access the safety deposit box and that Bert Sibley and Cecila Avaritte be removed as authorized persons to access the safety deposit box.

By unanimous vote, the board thereafter voted to adjourn.