The meeting was cancelled. Call Kelley with any questions. 


May 22, 2021 Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Andy Wick at 2:42 PM at the Orchard City Town Hall. Board members Andy Wick, Jeff Wick, Dick Kirkpatrick, Gregg Helmsing and Joe Young were present. April 30th minutes were read and approved with no corrections.

Jeff Widener gave a water report. The reservoir is at 1660 Acre Feet and the Fogg Decree is running off and on. The Butte Decree ran early and has not been on since.

Ron Phillips explained that going off of past years evaporation data and shrink if there are no future orders, we can hopefully deliver contract water into September.

The meeting was opened for questions and there was extensive discussion to include obligations on the contract. Questions were answered.

Gregg Helmsing made a motion to stop all future water orders and meet in the coming weeks to review water in the reservoir. Seconded by Joe Young and passed unanimously.

Helmsing made a motion for the board to contact an attorney to define "irrigation Season" and language in the contracts. Jeff Wick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

At 4:06 the meeting was adjourned.