Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


July 12, 2023 Minutes

Orchard City Irrigation District Meeting
July 12, 2023 at 5:00 PM 

In attendance: 

OCID Board - Andy Wick, Mitch Thomas, Joe Young, Aaron St.Peter, Jim Pizzino 


Bureau of Reclamation -Josh Dunham and Jeff Sellers 

Delta County Conservation District - Suzie Billberry 

Applegate Engineering -Craig Ullman 

Water Committee - Greg Helmsing 

Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President, Andy Wick. 

Minutes from previous meeting were read by Secretary, Joe Young. Minutes were approved as read. 

Financial Report given by Dee Dee Lousignont. There is a bill from Alpine Archaeological Consultants related to the Fruitgrower's Dam project and there was discussion on how to handle these bills as they will start to come more often as we progress. Mitch moved to pay these bills if they were approved by Andy and Suzie and within the Project budget without a board meeting to approve each one. It was seconded by Joe and passed. 

Old Business 

There was discussion about how the Dam project will need a project manager to work with OCID and the Bureau of Reclamation and the Contractors. Andy has asked Niles to do this, as Dick has chosen not to. Niles has some questions and wants to talk to Josh with the Bureau before committing. 

Suzie gave a report stating that the DMEA easement from the Ashby's is in progress. Also in progress are the NEPA, and cultural reviews. 

The estimate for the Valves that OCID will order is approximately $47,000, Suzie says we need to wait to order these until the Approval letter comes for the reviews. The lead time on the valves is 3-4 weeks and the lead time on the spools is 4-6 weeks. The only supplier to give us an estimate for these was Bollinger and Queen. 

OCID will apply for sales tax exemption. Suzie and Dee Dee will work on it. 

Suzie also said the additional $2S0,000 in funds from the Roundtable have been approved locally but waiting for their Sept meeting for approval from the State level. This grant should cover the cost of the valves.

Next order of business was a proposal to discharge the $1842.50 that Clark and Erica Ashby owed to OCID for their 2023 OCID ditch assessment. This is in conjunction with the Ashby's granting to OCID, a utility easement by which electrical service can be provided by DMEA to the new valve station at Fruit Growers Reservoir. Mitch moved to the above and Aaron 2nd it and it passed. 

Jeff brought up the water allocation % -- since the reservoir needs drained by 11/1. Andy moved to raise the allocation to 150% (currently at 100%). Aaron 2nd the motion and it was passed. 

An owner wanted it noted for Londa to know that it is nice to have someone nice and good to work with. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 pm