The meeting was cancelled. Call Kelley with any questions. 


February 26, 2022 Minutes

The annual board meeting of the Orchard City Irrigation District board of directors was called to order by President Andy Wick. Present were board members, Gregg Helmsing and Jeff Wick. Absent was board member Joe Young. Also absent was former board member, Dick Kirkpatrick, who has resigned from the board. Andy Wick asked Gregg Helmsing to serve as secretary pro tem for purposes of taking minutes for this meeting.

Andy Wick will remain as the board president until the rescheduled annual shareholder meeting of the shareholders of Orchard City Irrigation District. Jeff Wick remains as Vice-President. Joe Young remains as Secretary. Upon motion by Gregg Helmsing and second by Andy Wick, Jeff Wick was unanimously voted to serve as Treasurer for 2022 to replace Dick Kirkpatrick.

Board President Andy Wick indicated that it was necessary to update the list of those authorized with signature authority over the Orchard City Irrigation District checking account with Wells Fargo bank. The current authorized list includes, among others, Jeff Wick and Dick Kirkpatrick. With Dick Kirkpatrick's resignation from the OCIO board of directors it is necessary to remove his name from signature authority over the Wells Fargo account as well as the names of any others, other than Jeff Wick, whose name is on the Wells Fargo account. Upon motion by Andy Wick and second by Jeff Wick the board voted unanimously to have the name of Gregg Helmsing added to the Wells Fargo account who will join Jeff Wick as the other person authorized on the Wells Fargo account. All other persons whose names are currently on the account shall no longer be authorized on the account and their names shall be removed.

The next order of business was for the board to reschedule the annual shareholder meeting of the Orchard City Irrigation District so that a quorum may be achieved. Upon motion by Gregg Helmsing and second by Jeff Wick, the board voted unanimously to reschedule the annual OCID shareholder meeting for April 9, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. at the Orchard City Town Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.