Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


February 23, 2021 Minutes

6:05 Meeting called to order. Initially present were Andy Wick, Jeff Wick, Joe Young and Gregg Helmsing. Dick Kirkpatrick arrived about 6:30 P.M.

Andrea Wilbur explained that we are building a website to help streamline information and the ordering process. OCID has been approved for a grant from the State of Colorado for up to $4500 to be applied to the website building process.

OCID has an intergovernmental agreement with the county to bed and lay 800 feet of pipe in the North Rd section of Dry Creek if we purchase the pipe. Mr. Simpson asked if this will slow down any progress on future projects. We will not have to borrow the money for the pipe. As Jeff Wick explained, showing improvements to our system will help us obtain grants for the future projects because it shows that we are trying to improve and maintain the system on our own.

The By Laws have not been updated in many years. To bring them up to speed with the times including virtual meetings we shall have an attorney review them.

Board discussed the contract and flow right water out of the reservoir. OCID will deliver that water as stated in the contract using contract water first and OCID water after the contract water has been used

Helmsing motioned to ratify install of pipe not to exceed $130,000. Motion passed unanimously. Construction is to start when the spring runoff is done and the ditch dries up.

Andy Wick proposed to form a committee to look into solutions for the houses on 2100 Rd south of the Orchard City town park wanting to pump out of the ditch

Helmsing motioned to accept the website grant from the State of Colorado. Motion unanimously accepted.

Jeff Wick motioned to pay a lawyer to look into the bylaws. Motion unanimously accepted.

7:14 Meeting called to executive session to conduct interview of potential OCID employee.

8:09 Executive session adjourned