Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


April 9, 2022 Minutes

Meeting was called to order by President Andy Wick. Andy Wick, Jeff Wick, Gregg Helmsing, and Joe Young were present.

The minutes from February 26 were read and approved.

Jeff Wick made a motion to hire Charles Stewart as OCID's attorney, it was seconded by Gregg Helmsing and unanimously approved.

There was discussion on allocation and Gregg explained how Ron Phillips's model for allocation works with entered data.

Jeff Widener gave his report.

Joe Young made a motion to allocate the water at 50%. Jeff Wick seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Dick Kirkpatrick resigned from the board effective February 1, 2022. His three year term would have ended at the annual shareholder meeting to be held in early 2023. There were two people interested. Jim Pizzino and Mel Cook. Jim Pizzino introduced himself. Mel Cook was not present. Jim Pizzino was unanimously approved by the Board to complete Dick Kirkpatrick's term.

Andy announced that he was appointing a committee to consider a possible policy to allow pumping of water from the Butte and Fogg ditches

Jeff Wick made a motion to destroy the ballots from the annual meeting. Mitch Thomas seconded, and it was passed unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned 6:23 pm.