Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


April 12, 2021 Minutes

5:30 PM Meeting brought to order Andy Wick, Jeff Wick, Dick Kirkpatrick and Joe Young are present.

Joe Young read the minutes of the board meeting of March 26, 2021. The minutes were approved as presented.

Andy asked if we should buy a $250 gift card for Londa to purchase OCID related items such as stamps, envelopes, ect. Jeff Wick brought up that Jeff Weidner has an OCID debit card so it was passed to Londa. No gift card will be needed.

Weldner's report:
There ls 1750 Acre feet in the reservoir as of April 9th. No decree water yet. No water to flush the ditch so it is suggested that members order together. Maybe ordering every other week. He also suggested possibly bringing the pool water down the Fogg and Transfer ditch. 4155 Acre Feet is a full reservoir and 3400 Acre feet is the first fill right. 1.5-2 ft coming in 2 days ago and now there is about 4 ft after putting a call. Minimum order 1ft per head gate.

Allocation stays at 0.

Joel Manguson explains sunspots every 11 years and every 22 years there is a bad drought last one being 2002 and historically lasting 4 years.

Jim Keep's daughters asked about the land sold on Landing Rd. and still have 1 share. Jeff mentioned that the headgate is the upper Butte 119 and they would have to contact the neighbors to prove if the ditch was there or abandoned.

The county may hire Erick Fritchman to lay the pipe at Dry Creek.