Orchard City Irrigation District is calling a Board Meeting for March 19th at 5:30PM at the Town of Orchard City Community Room at 9661 2100 Rd, Austin to discuss Allocation for 2025 and anything else that comes before the Board.


September 7, 2023 Minutes

Orchard City Irrigation District Meeting
Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 5:30 PM 

In attendance: 

OCID Board - Andy Wick, Mitch Thomas, Joe Young, Aaron St.Peter, Jim Pizzino 


Delta County Conservation District - Suzie Billberry 

Applegate Engineering -Craig Ullman 

Water Committee - Greg Helmsingand Dick Kirkpatrick and Niles Reese 

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm by President, Andy Wick. 

Minutes from previous meeting were read by Secretary, Joe Young. Minutes were approved as read. 

Financial Report given by Dee Dee Lousignont. The regular finances are basically on budget and a little over half of the Dam Project funds received so far have been spent on the new valves and spools. 

Old Business-Fruitgrowers Reservoir 

Suzie Billberry introduced Matt Stearns who is in loan development, Financial Director for the Colorado Water Conservation Board. He will help with the program operations for the loan we will need to cover the funds not covered by the grants. 

Suzie explained that the SHIPO is evaluating the effect of the changes being made to the dam area (mainly the 10 x 12 operations building ) since there is historical value with the dam being built in 1895. Work can not begin until they have approved. There is possible local and national historical adverse effects with the alteration. They are contacting related organizations for their approval. Suzie and the Bureau believe SHIPO will let the project go ahead if we agree to do a story map. This is basically an online history of the dam with pictures and documents. We will have 3 years to complete the map if we are required to do one. 

Gregg Helmsing spoke about the possibility of adding the story map to the OCID website. There will be cost for someone to set it all up and to do yearly updates. He suggested OCID contacts their attorney about this SHIPO matter as it effects the project now and into the future, as well as the possibility of an objection by OCID being needed if SHIPO does object to the project. 

There was much discussion about this matter, including stating that if anything of historical value is found during the project, it will need to be dealt with at the time. 

The Question was asked if we waited a year to do the project would we be losing any funds or ability to refill the dam. Matt Stearn said a delay of a year will not effect the loan. Suzie will check to see if a delay will effect the grant funds. And she will see if the Bureau will let us use the dam for 2024 water season as well. 

Suzie and Craig Ullman presented the only bid received for the Fruitgrowers Dam Project, it is from Kisner and it is 30% over the original estimate. Craig suggested meeting with Kisner to discuss the bid and make sure communication about what is entailed is clear between both parties. There was much discussion about how to approach Kissner and the high bid numbers. Craig believes part of the high numbers is due to the short notice and thinks if the project is delayed we will get more bids. 

This led to more discussion the pros and cons of waiting a year to do the project. It was also discussed about contacting the Bureau and grant organizations to make sure we can delay the project for a year and not loose any grant funds or ability to use the reservoir next year. 

Joe made a motion to have Craig call Kissner to discuss the SHIPO delay and the bid numbers, as that should be a less confrontational situation. Mich seconded it and it passed. 

It was decided to have a meeting as soon as possible - Friday September 15, after Craig meets with Kissner and it is discovered whether waiting will be a problem with the Bureau and the grants to decide to accept Kissner's bid or delay until 2024. 

Kim Kokesh spoke about the records sorting and organizing project. There are lots of records at his house that he has gone through and more at the Grand Mesa Water Users building to get and organize. He has researched the contract water and found through more than a century of selling and trading of property and water, he has tracked and accounted for all the contract water. 

Gregg Helmsing spoke on the website, it is up and running for ordering and rental, has had some email issues but working it all out. The software to manage the water records is done and in the testing process. Will soon need to have someone scan and tag alt the documents into the new system. 

Jeff Widener made his water report. The reservoir is at 700 acre feet now, should be drained in time for possible Nov 1 valve replacement, although with cooler weather the usage will drop. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 by Andy Wick, President.