Fruitgrowers Dam Outlet Gate Improvements Project
Meeting #17 Agenda
March 13, 2024
10:00 a.m.
KGCI Project Reference #: 132
Call in Number: 1-888-633-0347 Passcode: 72888364
Applegate Group: Craig Ullmann, Steven Morris
OCID: Mitch Thomas, Niles Riese, Jeff Widener
Bureau of Reclamation: Josh Dunham, Matt Bryner, Thomas Hook, Phil Ipson
Delta Conservation District: Suzie Bilberry
KGCI: Kyle Kissner, Jaime Jordan
Work Completed
- J Trim border at joint between soffit and Versetta Stone exterior wall finish installed.
- Installed 4” Vent Pipe down shaft and inline duct fan.
- Received Upstream Corner Cover for Valve Actuator Assembly from Doughty. They forgot to include it the package they gave us.
- Installed Upper and Lower Drive Assembly.
- Installed Actuators with bases and Motorized Actuator Drive Shafts. Actuators are set in a fashion to allow for electrical and future control connection to the equipment ports. Actuator Bracket Weldment only allows for minimal options for actuator position and tying into electrical and control ports. See picture attached.
- Started installation of chain to shaft assemblies. Ordered “Add & Connect Links” in order to fit drive shafts perfecty.
- Manual Actuator Drive Shafts @ Lower Drive Assembly installed today 3/13/24.
- Drywall tape and texture starting today 3/13/24.
2 Week Look Ahead
- Remaining platform installed Thursday 3/14/24.
- Railing @ platform installed Thursday 3/14/24.
- Procure chain “Add and Connect Links” on Friday 3/15/24 from McMaster-Carr. Finish installation of chain at both upper and lower driver shafts and sprockets.
- White Star Electric will be onsite 3/14 - 3/18 to trim out electrical, install lights in shaft, connect power to actuators, and install control box at building and Circle Ditch pole.
- Now that actuators are in place, installation of roof turbine and vent piping from roof to shaft base will be installed. Anticipated to finish 3/20/24.
- Interior finishes anticipated to be complete by 3/19/24.
- Installation of all component covers, plates at lower and upper assemblies as well safety line tower. 3/20—3/21.
- Place concrete @ Circle Ditch pole.
- Discuss funding for additional gate at outlet structure and 250 LF of conduit installation at Circle Ditch.
- Discuss timing w/ project team to exercise valves using the installed actuators.
By Friday evening (3/15/24) , as long as the chain links arrive as scheduled, between Noon and 2PM, the entire actuator to valve assembly should be substantially complete, where valves can be opened and closed utilizing the actuators’ hand wheels.
3/10—3/11: 6” Vent, 4” Vent and Stem Installed to Specified Elevations and Connected to Brackets.
3/11: Inline fan with 4” pipe and 3/12: Actuators Installed